Ens. S. Archie Schwarztrauber BJU-2 1952-54 Ret. RADM 1983 d. 4-8-2015  “Fair winds and following seas”
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association ‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’ (727) 4-USNBJA
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Website by R-Havekost, BOD Chairman
HAWORTH, N.J. – Sayre Archie Schwarztrauber, Rear Admiral, passed away on April 8, 2015. Born in Zion, Il., in 1929, he was high school valedictorian there in 1947. Earned B.S. from Maryville College, TN., in 1951; MA., in 1964; and PHD in 1970 from American University, Washington, D.C. He was commissioned ensign, USN in 1952 and retired as Rear Admiral (0-8) in 1983. Commanded guided missile destroyer Decatur and Flotilla of 250 river patrol boats (PBR’s) in Vietnam; aide to chairman JCS; Deputy Chief of Staff, SACLANT(NATO); Director, Inter- American Defense College of U.S.-Spanish combined staff, Madrid. Decorated with Defense, Distinguished and Meritorious Service Medals, two Legion of Merit, Spanish Gran Cruz De Merito and 21 others. He was also a recipient of Navy League’s Alfred Thayer Mahan Award. He is a member of SAR, MENSA, Phi Kappa Phi and numerous military, literary and professional organizations. Following Navy retirement, he was commissioned rear admiral, U.S. Maritime Service; President, Maine Maritime Academy: editor, Massachusetts maritime Magazine; Secretary of the Navy Advisory Committee, amateur genealogist and author of “Three- Mile Limit of Territorial Seas” and numerous articles, essays and reviews in professional journals. Married since 1953 to the Beryl Stewart of Haworth, N.J., an elementary teacher. They have four incredible children, Sayre Jr., Beryl Ann, Heidi and Holly. They have 11 grandchildren and are awaiting a great-grandchild
            Established 2001
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