MOHLER Phillip S., 64, of Jacksonville, FL passed away on July 5, 2008. He was a retired US Navy Senior Chief. Phillip was born in Red Bluff, CA on September 9, 1943. He joined the Navy in 1960 to have the adventure of his life. He started out in San Diego with Beach Jumper Unit One, then onto ships-USS SPHINX-ARL 24, USS Barbour County-LST 1195, USS GRAND RAPIDS-PG95, WATERFORD-ARD 5, SSC GLAKES, USS OLIVER HAZARD PERRY FFG 7, USS UNDERWOOD FFG 36 and the Mobile training Team-GMTT (Mayport). He started with the simpler engines and worked his way up to being a Gas Turbine Specialist. His career was very challenging and he met a lot of great people along the way. He was active with Boy Scouting for many years, enjoyed fishing, drag racing, archery, traveling across the US and seeing the sights. He was a ray of sunshine for many people and will be greatly missed. He was the Past Commander of VFW Post 11406, Oceanway, FL and held the post of Quartermaster for District Six. Phillip was a member of the Ft. Caroline Baptist Church and active in many of their group activities. He is survived by his wife of 37 years, Constance Mohler; son, Phillip (Lynn) Walker; three grandchildren, Christopher, Stephanie, and Ashley; his parents, Lois Jean Grush and Louis Grush of Redding, CA; his sisters, Bobbie (Bill) Parker of Sacramento, CA, Darlene (Dan) Fults, Redding, CA, Diana (Ed) Sterling of Los Angeles, CA; cousins, Lyle (Ellen) Acord, Carol (Spence) Hill, many nieces, nephews, and a multitude of friends. Funeral services will be held at Ft. Caroline Baptist Church, 11428 McCormick Rd., on Friday, July 11 at 11:00 a.m., with entombment in Chapel Hills Memory Gardens at 12:00 Noon. Visitation with the family will be at HARDAGE-GIDDENS CHAPEL HILLS FUNERAL HOME, 850 St. Johns Bluff Rd. Jacksonville, FL, Thursday, July 10 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m.
GSCS Phillip S. Mohler BJU-1 1960-64 d. 7-05-2008 “Fair winds and following seas”      
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association ‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’ (727) 4-USNBJA
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