Homer Ramsey, 72, of Colo, passed away Wednesday, February 27,
2013, at the Israel Family Hospice House in Ames.
Homer was born October 4, 1940, in Ames to Elwood and Velda (Lee)
Ramsey. He graduated from Ames High School in 1958. Homer served in
the United States Navy from 1963 to 1967 during which time he was part
of the Beach Jumpers. He worked 30 years for 3M, retiring in 2000.
Homer enjoyed his coffee groups, going to Wilson's Auction House and
the Meskwaki Casino.
Homer is survived by his wife of 44 years, La Rue of Colo; his sons, Bob
(Deborah Hannen) Ramsey of Iowa City and Mike Ramsey of Colo; and
his brother, Len Ramsey of Ames. He was preceded in death by his
parents; a son, David; two sisters, Marion Mehle and Eileen Vaughn; and
a brother, Elwood Ramsey.
Memorial services will be held 1:30 p.m. Sunday, March 3, 2013, at
Bacon Funeral Home in Nevada, 1418 Fawcett Parkway.
[Thank you to Tom Marco for forwarding this]
Nov 12, 2013, at 12:16 AM, Mike Ramsey wrote:
This is to let you know Homer Ramsey was laid to rest on Saturday May
4th at Colo IA cemetery. We just had a small personal group of family
there. It was his wife LaRue Ramsey, oldest son Bob and his wife Deb,
youngest son Mike, his remaining living brother Lenard (a navy man like
Homer's other brother Elwood), his niece Betty, and LaRue's brother Joe
We had an honor guard there as well. A nice young man played taps,
they unfolded and then refolded his flag and presented it to mother. He
decided he had to take one last "jump" as he "jumped" off the little stand
he was on. Everything was ok, the wind just caught it and fell over.
Homer's favorite thing to say about what the Beach Jumpers did was
this. He would get up and start jumping around and say the Beach
Jumpers would jump around on the beach....looking for the land mines.
As per his request when he was laid to rest we all sprinkled a little bit of
Folgers coffee in there for him, it will percolate up just like his percolating
coffee maker and he will have coffee when ever he wants it.
When he was told what was going on he told us he wishes. He also said
if it happened during the cold months just wait. He didn't want someone
out digging in the cold for him. We tried to honor that wish. We wanted
until May thinking that would be a nicer month. This year there was a
freak snow storm in May, the night before the date we choose. There
was about an inch of snow maybe on the ground. As he knew, that's the
way Iowa weather can be, one day sunny then the next snowy even in
We then went and had a good lunch and talked and all had coffee, even
though none of usually do except for Deb. I had to put sugar and cream
in mine even though Homer always had his black.
I remember the day he got the phone call from Tom about the beach
jumpers reunions. He had pulled the car around to the house and was
waiting for mom and I to come out so we could go out for supper. I took
the call and went out and I said there was a Tom Marca..Marcon or
something like that talking about some navy thing and he isn't a
telemarketer or asking for anything. It took about 2 seconds for the light
to go off in his head. He yelled THE GRAPE and ran passed me so fast I
felt a breeze and he even left the car running and the door open. I think I
got the names right, at least I hope I did.
He was on the phone for who knows how long and the ride that night to
and from supper was filled with stories, some we heard and some new. I
don't think the smile left his face that night at all.
The pictures I'm sending are of the flowers and plaque and we hope they
as what you all like. The plaque stayed with him. We also have his
marker and we made sure it had BJU-1 TEAM 12 and RM3 US NAVY, no
picture of it on my computer. I'm sorry it took me so long to get this email
out. Things have been busy around here with paper work and getting
ready for winter. I just put up his snow fence this week and got his lawn
mower switched over to a snow blower this week too. Today just seemed
like it would be a good day to send this out and to say thank you to
everyone for your service and what you did for everyone here and a
thank you for the stories we heard and the times you all shared together.
Thank you. LaRue, Bob, Deb and Mike Ramsey
RM3 Homer Ramsey
BJU-1 1963-67
d. 2-27-2013
“Fair winds and following seas”
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association
‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’
(727) 4-USNBJA
Copyright 1996-2025
All rights reserved
US Navy Beach Jumpers Assoc. ®beachjumpers.com, beachjumpers.org, usnavybeachjumpers.org
Website by R-Havekost,
BOD Chairman
- Ocracoke Island Memorial, Loop Shack Hill
- Beach Jumpers Memorial Honor Roll
- Deceased Members Personal Tributes
- CAPT Douglas Fairbanks Jr. USNR
- Members A-F
- Allen, Donovan, EN2, BJU2
- Allen, James LTjg BJU3&8
- Aucoin, Gary RD3, BJU2
- Barber, Richard RM2, BJU2
- Barry, Robert LT, BJU2
- Bartholdi, Joseph RD1, BJU2
- Benjamins, Edwin CRM, BJU6
- Bittner, Burt LT, BJU6
- Bobick, William, RD3, BJU1
- Bohannan, John RD2, BJU2
- Boyum, Danny EN2, BJU1
- Brewer, Charles QM3, BJU2
- Briggs, Ronald RM2, BJU2
- Brown, Donald, LCDR, BJU1
- Bucklew, Phil CAPT, BJU2
- Bullock, Harvey ENS, BJU4
- Burkey, Paul MM/1c, BJU1
- Burkholder, James EN2, BJU2
- Carlson, Ronald LT, BJU1
- Carlton, Jack ENS, BJU6
- Cason, GR RMCS, BJU1
- Casto, John RD3, BJU2
- Casto, Ronald RD3, BJU2
- Chapeau, David, ETR3, BJU1
- Clark, Curtis CWO3, BJU1
- Chesser, William, SK3, BJU2
- Clark, Edward RM2, BJU2
- Clemente, Wm. LCDR, BJU2&1
- Cochran,Wilmer, SM2c, BJU6
- Conley, Harold SK3, BJU1
- Conner, William Jr, LTjg, BJU1
- Costilow, James RM1, BJU1
- Coutinho, Roy LT, BJU1
- Culp, Ralph RM3, BJU2
- Davies, David RMCS, BJU1
- Davis, Charles T., ET2, BJU2
- Denslow, Irving CWO2, BJU2
- DeWeese, Jerry RM1, BJU1
- Dinsmore, G. Chris, RD2, BJU1
- Donaghy, Sam OS1, FCG2
- Doornbos, Robert, CWO4, BJU1
- Driscoll, Frederic RDm1/c, BJU4
- Dunton, Lewis RADM, BJU6
- Eiben, Michael, LTjg, BJU1
- English, Lon RD2, BJU1
- Engman, Clayton RM2, BJU1
- Everett, Richard ETN2, BJU1
- Fallen, David CDR, BJU2
- Fanning, Norris RT/2c, BJU7
- Frankenfield, Warren RD3, BJU2
- Franklin, James OS1, BJU1
- Members G-L
- Gacek, Chester RM3/c, BJU9
- Gallagher, Rodney RMSN, BJU2
- Glaza, David OS2, BJU1
- Grauten, Henry LTjg., BJU7
- Harris, John AE1, BJU11
- Hanlon, Charles RD3, BJU2
- Harvey, C.Felix LT, BJU2
- Havyer, William, ETN2, BJU2
- Hayes, Simon, RD3, BJU2
- Hendry, James CDR, BJU2
- Hennessy, Peter LTjg, BJU2
- Hill, Kenneth L. SKCS, BJU2
- Hoatson, Norman ET2, BJU1
- Hobbs, Jim CAPT, BJU1
- Hoffman, Benjamin LTjg, BJU2
- Hogan, Joseph ENS, BJU6
- Hollers, James PN3, BJU2
- Hower, William LTjg, BJU1
- Johnson, Joe ET2, BJU2
- Johnson, William RMC, BJU1
- Jones, Lynn IC3, BJU1
- Jones, William, RD2, BJU1
- Kenyon, Richard LTjg, BJU2
- Kersting, William CAPT, BJU1
- Kisselburg,Ken ETSN, BJU1
- Kittelson,Gary, LTjg BJU2
- Kreske, Malcom RT/3c, BJU9
- Krolak, John, RM3, BJU2
- Kropf, Robert ETCS, BJU1
- Lando, Robert CDR, BJU4
- Lane, Charles RD3, BJU1
- LaPointe, Norman, ET3, BJU2
- Lasell, Max CAPT, BJU2
- Lee, Thurman ENCS, BJU2
- Long, John P, CDR, BJU2
- Members M-S
- MacGilvray, Bruce RD2, BJU1
- Maguire, Robert GM/1c, BJU4 & 11
- Manfield Jr, John J, QM3, BJU2
- Marco, Thomas RD3, BJU1
- Marino, Al ENFN, BJU1
- Matula, George GMG1, BJU2
- McAndrew, James QM1, BJU2
- McBride, Robert LT., BJU2
- McCormack, Elmer LCDR, BJU1
- McCue, George BM1, BJU2
- McGath, Arthur, EN3, BJU2
- McGregor, James RM2, BJU1
- McLeod, John EMC, BJU1
- McQuade, Patrick EN3, BJU1
- Miller, Donald EN2, BJU2
- Miller, Herman RMC, BJU2
- Miller, Wayne EM2, BJU2
- Mohn, Larry ETN2, BJU1
- Mohler, Phillip GSCS, BJU1
- Moncrief, Phillip LTjg., BJU1
- Moore, Charles EN3, BJU2
- Moore, Frank SFM2, BJU2
- Morrissey, James ET3, BJU2 & 1
- Mullen, George LCDR, BJU9
- Mulqueen, Jerry RD2, BJU2
- Munro, Robert EN3, BJU1
- Murphy, Chester CDR, BJU2
- Nagel, Roger FN, BJU1
- Newberg, Gary ETC, BJU1
- Niederer, Otto LT, BJU1 & 2
- Oden, Dickie RM2, BJU1
- O'Donnell, William EM1, BJU2
- Olney, Austin LT, BJU6
- Peterson, Thomas PN3, BJU2
- Placek, Donald RD2, BJU2
- Price, Robert, CDR, BJU2
- Prince, Michael OSCS, BJU1
- Pollock, Charles LT, BJU2
- Rainie, Robert CRM, BJU1&9
- Ramsey, Homer RM3, BJU1
- Reynolds, Charles, SFM2, BJU2
- Richter, Philip RD1, BJU2
- Rodolfich, Steve, RM3, BJU1
- Root, Larry YN3, BJU1
- Ross, Clyde BM3, BJU2
- Roy, Robert ETM2/c, BJU6
- Rumfield, Stanley, CTM2, BJU1
- Sandwick, John QM/2c, BJU3
- Ryan, Edward SN, BJU2
- Sander, Louis LTjg, BJU2
- Scott, James SK2c, BJU10
- Seekins, Pearley, EM3, BJU2
- Seymour, George ETCM, BJU1
- Skinner, William SM /2c, BJU1
- Skorheim, Robert LTjg, BJU2
- Slattery, Ernest BM1, BJU2
- Smither, Danny IC3, BJU1
- Stambaugh, Carl RM1, BJU1
- Stamper, Michael SFM3, BJU2
- Stanley, Eugene, RD2, BJU2
- Steffen, Werner CDR, BJU1
- Stuber, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Summa, Raymond ET3, BJU2
- Sutherland, Donald RD3, BJU1
- Swanson, Raynor EWCM, BJU1
- Members T-Z
- Thomas, Stephen LT, BJU2
- Timmons, Edward, RMC, BJU1
- Toti, Frank RD3, BJU1
- Tucker, Bruce ENFN, BJU2
- Tumey, John W. ET2, BJU1
- VanWinkle, Daniel, LT, BJU1
- Vorndran, Charles RM/2c, BJU5 & 9
- Watson, David OSCM, BJU1
- Wall, James E. GM3, BJU1
- Watson, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Wenzlaff, George OSCS, BJU1
- Willis, Berry CDR, BJU1
- Witherspoon, Charles CDR, BJU1
- Wolf, Bernard LTjg, BJU2
- Woods, Larry SFM3, BJU1
- Wootten, Thomas CDR, BJU1
- YellowEagle, James ADJ3, BJU1
- Zeiger, Steve ETR2, BJU2
- - - - -Honorary Associates- - - -
- John B. Dwyer, Author, History of Navy Beach Jumpers
- Earl O'Neal, Ocracoke Island Historian
BJA Reunion 2009
Ocracoke Isl., NC
Established 2001
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