Aug. 19, 1994 - 0720 hours USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72 Ceremonial Color Guard Crew in attendance CDR R.F. Milewski, Chaplain Corps Rifle Salute EM1 Luke Mullen consigns his father's ashes EM1 Luke Mullen receives flag from Commanding Officer
LCDR George S. Mullen, USN Ret. BJU-9 1944-45 d. 4-29-1994 “Fair winds and following seas”       It wasn’t until August 2004 that the association learned of George Mullen’s passing. His sons Luke and Matt joined the association at that time as associate members. Luke was active in the Navy at the time of his father’s passing. The following story is added here in George’s honor. Ensign George Mullen was assigned to AVR Staff duty with Beach Jumper Unit #9 on 4 July 1944, while at Ocracoke, N.C. Amphibious Training Base. George would finish his Naval career at the rank of Lieutenant Commander. During, as well as after, his military career, George Mullen authored and co- authored numerous books and publications in areas such as oceanography, gyro's, navigational computers, missile guidance systems, and others too numerous to mention. He also obtained a patent for a device for handling fuel elements, (under Secrecy Order.) In his lifetime, George obtained degrees in Taxation, Economics, Engineering, Naval Science and Education. He attended such universities as Rutger's, Notre Dame and Seton Hall. On August 19, 1994, at 0720 hours, the cremated remains of LCDR George S. Mullen were consigned to the sea from the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln CVN-72, carrier elevator number three. Both religious and military ceremonies were conducted with dignity and solemnity. ET1 Luke Mullen USN (son) committed the ashes, as per Mrs. Mullen's instructions and in accordance with Navy Regulations, at latitude 37 degrees 33 minutes north, and longitude 123 degrees 29 minutes west, off the coast of California. CDR R.F. Milewski, Chaplain, USN performed the religious portion of the burial at sea and CAPT P. Cyr USMC led the Marine Corps detachment. Certain declassified documents were forwarded to our association by  Matthew Mullen (son) along with the photo's shown below. The information from these documents made it possible to list the names, on our website, of other trainees assigned to Beach Jumper Units in 1944. Thank you to the Mullen family
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association ‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’ (727) 4-USNBJA
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Website by R-Havekost, BOD Chairman
            Established 2001
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