Obituary from the Boston Globe, dated March 6, 2008
Wry allusions to books and the literary tradition were part of Austin G.
Olney's quotidian observations as he marshaled talented writers into print
at Houghton Mifflin, Boston's storied publishing house.
Anecdotes were at his fingertips from years of guiding authors and the
worlds they brought to life: J.R.R. Tolkien and Middle-earth, Louis
Auchincloss and the refined Upper East Side enclaves of Manhattan, Isaac
Asimov and the far reaches of outer space.
Handling works ranging from the light romps of the "Curious George"
books to weighty tomes by John Kenneth Galbraith and Arthur M.
Schlesinger Jr. to the nature field guides of Roger Tory Peterson, Mr.
Olney exhibited an intellectual range and gentleness that made him a
beloved editor in Boston publishing for more than four decades.
Mr. Olney died Feb. 28 in his rural Marlborough, N.H., house, where in
retirement he enjoyed gazing at vistas and spotting wildlife that wandered
past the windows. He was 85 and had suffered from Alzheimer's disease.
"He was a gentleman, and I mean that in the old-fashioned sense," said
Tracy Kidder, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author who had thanked Mr. Olney
in the acknowledgements of "House," published in 1985. "Just a lovely
man - honest, forthright, reticent. To me, he represented publishing at its
In the kind of longevity rarely seen today, Mr. Olney spent his entire career
at Houghton Mifflin, from the day he walked in for an interview in 1946 still
wearing a Navy uniform until he stepped down in 1988 as senior vice
president in charge of the trade and reference division.
Whether as a trainee, head of the children's book department, or board
member, Mr. Olney was acutely aware of his place in a line of editors that
began when Houghton Mifflin was founded in the mid-1800s as a
publishing house determined to sway the national conversation on
important issues in politics and the arts, colleagues said.
"My own personal concern is that we maintain our sense of quality - that
we do what we used to do best - and still make a profit," he told the Globe
in 1981 as the business landscape for publishing shifted along financial
fault lines. "I think it's going to require ever more fancy footwork to do that."
And dance he did, cutting a rug that stretched from the company's
accounting offices to the creative realm of writing.
"He really was an editor's editor and a writer's editor, someone who
wanted to stay behind the scenes, who wanted writers to blossom," said
Nancy Grant, senior vice president of marketing for HMH Supplemental
Publishers, part of the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt company that is home to
Mr. Olney's former publishing house. "He made his editorial comments
quietly, but extremely persuasively."
Even difficult tasks were handled with a gentle touch. Marcia Legru, who
married Mr. Olney in 1981 and had worked with him at Houghton Mifflin,
said her husband "was known to write some of the best rejection letters in
the business."
"I've heard it said that to get a rejection letter from him, you hardly knew it
because he was trying so hard to be encouraging," she said.
Nan A. Talese, who has her own imprint with Doubleday Broadway
Publishing Group, said by phone from her office in New York City that Mr.
Olney represented "that sense of writing being important, of authors being
"He was a very handsome and gentle man who had a terrific mind and
who, no matter how clearly he thought, always put the good thoughts
about people first," said Talese, who had worked with Mr. Olney at
Houghton Mifflin. "I think Austin always wanted to see the best in people."
Born in Boston, Mr. Olney graduated from Milton Academy and Harvard
College before serving as a lieutenant in the US Navy during World War II.
For many years he commuted by train to his office on Park Street from
Manchester-by-the-Sea, where he lived with his children and his first wife,
Annette Olney. That marriage ended in divorce, and Mr. Olney lived on
Beacon Hill before moving to New Hampshire.
"He was very much the conscience of the literary tradition here and of that
tradition in Boston," said Paul Weaver, former senior vice president and
general counsel at Houghton Mifflin. "He had this unique credibility and
authenticity. He was a highly literate and well-read person, and he was
also witty as hell in a sophisticated sort of way."
That Brahmin urbanity made Mr. Olney a good editing match for the likes
of Auchincloss, whose manners are on full display on and off the pages of
his novels.
"I was extremely fond of him, and we got along very well," Auchincloss
Though Mr. Olney eventually edited books that appealed to some of the
most educated adults, he initially made his mark leading the children's
book division, working with "Curious George" authors Margret and H.A.
"Austin had a sharp mind and a sense of humor which enabled him to
relate to the authors in constructive ways but also to make sure the
manuscripts chosen carried a message that made them salable for the
company and a message for the children who read them," said Harold T.
Miller, former president and chief executive at Houghton Mifflin.
Mr. Olney, whom Talese recalled as having "beautiful eyes and a very
mischievous smile," could also set aside his cultured demeanor to win the
hearts of colleagues who sold the books he edited. At one sales
presentation meeting, he introduced the latest Peterson guide to birds by
warbling the calls of several birds in succession.
"He just commanded everyone's attention," his wife said. "We kind of
laughed that he could be a bit of a show-off.
"He adored the American Heritage Dictionary - he always called it the
world's finest dictionary," she said. "His kids were saying it needs a new
word, 'Austintacious.' "
Said Grant: "For those of us who worked with Austin, I think it's fair to say
we feel very, very blessed. We got to see the real thing. I don't think a lot of
people can say that anymore."
In addition to his wife and former wife, Mr. Olney leaves four daughters,
Polly Glovsky of Kittery, Maine, Elise Dudley of Manchester, Sylvie Rice of
Keene, N.H., and Claudia of Chimacum, Wash.; a son, Christopher of
Wenham; a sister, Vrylena Symes of England; seven granddaughters, two
grandsons, and two great-grandsons.
A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. on March 22 at Stonewall Farm in
Keene, N.H.
LT. Austin E. Olney
BJU-6 1944-46
d. 2-28-2008
“Fair winds and following seas”
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association
‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’
(727) 4-USNBJA
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Website by R-Havekost,
BOD Chairman
- Ocracoke Island Memorial, Loop Shack Hill
- Beach Jumpers Memorial Honor Roll
- Deceased Members Personal Tributes
- CAPT Douglas Fairbanks Jr. USNR
- Members A-F
- Allen, Donovan, EN2, BJU2
- Allen, James LTjg BJU3&8
- Aucoin, Gary RD3, BJU2
- Barber, Richard RM2, BJU2
- Barry, Robert LT, BJU2
- Bartholdi, Joseph RD1, BJU2
- Benjamins, Edwin CRM, BJU6
- Bittner, Burt LT, BJU6
- Bobick, William, RD3, BJU1
- Bohannan, John RD2, BJU2
- Boyum, Danny EN2, BJU1
- Brewer, Charles QM3, BJU2
- Briggs, Ronald RM2, BJU2
- Brown, Donald, LCDR, BJU1
- Bucklew, Phil CAPT, BJU2
- Bullock, Harvey ENS, BJU4
- Burkey, Paul MM/1c, BJU1
- Burkholder, James EN2, BJU2
- Carlson, Ronald LT, BJU1
- Carlton, Jack ENS, BJU6
- Cason, GR RMCS, BJU1
- Casto, John RD3, BJU2
- Casto, Ronald RD3, BJU2
- Chapeau, David, ETR3, BJU1
- Clark, Curtis CWO3, BJU1
- Chesser, William, SK3, BJU2
- Clark, Edward RM2, BJU2
- Clemente, Wm. LCDR, BJU2&1
- Cochran,Wilmer, SM2c, BJU6
- Conley, Harold SK3, BJU1
- Conner, William Jr, LTjg, BJU1
- Costilow, James RM1, BJU1
- Coutinho, Roy LT, BJU1
- Culp, Ralph RM3, BJU2
- Davies, David RMCS, BJU1
- Davis, Charles T., ET2, BJU2
- Denslow, Irving CWO2, BJU2
- DeWeese, Jerry RM1, BJU1
- Dinsmore, G. Chris, RD2, BJU1
- Donaghy, Sam OS1, FCG2
- Doornbos, Robert, CWO4, BJU1
- Driscoll, Frederic RDm1/c, BJU4
- Dunton, Lewis RADM, BJU6
- Eiben, Michael, LTjg, BJU1
- English, Lon RD2, BJU1
- Engman, Clayton RM2, BJU1
- Everett, Richard ETN2, BJU1
- Fallen, David CDR, BJU2
- Fanning, Norris RT/2c, BJU7
- Frankenfield, Warren RD3, BJU2
- Franklin, James OS1, BJU1
- Members G-L
- Gacek, Chester RM3/c, BJU9
- Gallagher, Rodney RMSN, BJU2
- Glaza, David OS2, BJU1
- Grauten, Henry LTjg., BJU7
- Harris, John AE1, BJU11
- Hanlon, Charles RD3, BJU2
- Harvey, C.Felix LT, BJU2
- Havyer, William, ETN2, BJU2
- Hayes, Simon, RD3, BJU2
- Hendry, James CDR, BJU2
- Hennessy, Peter LTjg, BJU2
- Hill, Kenneth L. SKCS, BJU2
- Hoatson, Norman ET2, BJU1
- Hobbs, Jim CAPT, BJU1
- Hoffman, Benjamin LTjg, BJU2
- Hogan, Joseph ENS, BJU6
- Hollers, James PN3, BJU2
- Hower, William LTjg, BJU1
- Johnson, Joe ET2, BJU2
- Johnson, William RMC, BJU1
- Jones, Lynn IC3, BJU1
- Jones, William, RD2, BJU1
- Kenyon, Richard LTjg, BJU2
- Kersting, William CAPT, BJU1
- Kisselburg,Ken ETSN, BJU1
- Kittelson,Gary, LTjg BJU2
- Kreske, Malcom RT/3c, BJU9
- Krolak, John, RM3, BJU2
- Kropf, Robert ETCS, BJU1
- Lando, Robert CDR, BJU4
- Lane, Charles RD3, BJU1
- LaPointe, Norman, ET3, BJU2
- Lasell, Max CAPT, BJU2
- Lee, Thurman ENCS, BJU2
- Long, John P, CDR, BJU2
- Members M-S
- MacGilvray, Bruce RD2, BJU1
- Maguire, Robert GM/1c, BJU4 & 11
- Manfield Jr, John J, QM3, BJU2
- Marco, Thomas RD3, BJU1
- Marino, Al ENFN, BJU1
- Matula, George GMG1, BJU2
- McAndrew, James QM1, BJU2
- McBride, Robert LT., BJU2
- McCormack, Elmer LCDR, BJU1
- McCue, George BM1, BJU2
- McGath, Arthur, EN3, BJU2
- McGregor, James RM2, BJU1
- McLeod, John EMC, BJU1
- McQuade, Patrick EN3, BJU1
- Miller, Donald EN2, BJU2
- Miller, Herman RMC, BJU2
- Miller, Wayne EM2, BJU2
- Mohn, Larry ETN2, BJU1
- Mohler, Phillip GSCS, BJU1
- Moncrief, Phillip LTjg., BJU1
- Moore, Charles EN3, BJU2
- Moore, Frank SFM2, BJU2
- Morrissey, James ET3, BJU2 & 1
- Mullen, George LCDR, BJU9
- Mulqueen, Jerry RD2, BJU2
- Munro, Robert EN3, BJU1
- Murphy, Chester CDR, BJU2
- Nagel, Roger FN, BJU1
- Newberg, Gary ETC, BJU1
- Niederer, Otto LT, BJU1 & 2
- Oden, Dickie RM2, BJU1
- O'Donnell, William EM1, BJU2
- Olney, Austin LT, BJU6
- Peterson, Thomas PN3, BJU2
- Placek, Donald RD2, BJU2
- Price, Robert, CDR, BJU2
- Prince, Michael OSCS, BJU1
- Pollock, Charles LT, BJU2
- Rainie, Robert CRM, BJU1&9
- Ramsey, Homer RM3, BJU1
- Reynolds, Charles, SFM2, BJU2
- Richter, Philip RD1, BJU2
- Rodolfich, Steve, RM3, BJU1
- Root, Larry YN3, BJU1
- Ross, Clyde BM3, BJU2
- Roy, Robert ETM2/c, BJU6
- Rumfield, Stanley, CTM2, BJU1
- Sandwick, John QM/2c, BJU3
- Ryan, Edward SN, BJU2
- Sander, Louis LTjg, BJU2
- Scott, James SK2c, BJU10
- Seekins, Pearley, EM3, BJU2
- Seymour, George ETCM, BJU1
- Skinner, William SM /2c, BJU1
- Skorheim, Robert LTjg, BJU2
- Slattery, Ernest BM1, BJU2
- Smither, Danny IC3, BJU1
- Stambaugh, Carl RM1, BJU1
- Stamper, Michael SFM3, BJU2
- Stanley, Eugene, RD2, BJU2
- Steffen, Werner CDR, BJU1
- Stuber, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Summa, Raymond ET3, BJU2
- Sutherland, Donald RD3, BJU1
- Swanson, Raynor EWCM, BJU1
- Members T-Z
- Thomas, Stephen LT, BJU2
- Timmons, Edward, RMC, BJU1
- Toti, Frank RD3, BJU1
- Tucker, Bruce ENFN, BJU2
- Tumey, John W. ET2, BJU1
- VanWinkle, Daniel, LT, BJU1
- Vorndran, Charles RM/2c, BJU5 & 9
- Watson, David OSCM, BJU1
- Wall, James E. GM3, BJU1
- Watson, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Wenzlaff, George OSCS, BJU1
- Willis, Berry CDR, BJU1
- Witherspoon, Charles CDR, BJU1
- Wolf, Bernard LTjg, BJU2
- Woods, Larry SFM3, BJU1
- Wootten, Thomas CDR, BJU1
- YellowEagle, James ADJ3, BJU1
- Zeiger, Steve ETR2, BJU2
- - - - -Honorary Associates- - - -
- John B. Dwyer, Author, History of Navy Beach Jumpers
- Earl O'Neal, Ocracoke Island Historian
Designer of the BJU 6 & 7 logo
Lt. Olney’s logo design was used by
the association on WWII Certificates
of Appreciation issued to CRM Ed Benjamins BJU6
and RT/2c Norris Fanning BJU7
Lt. Olney’s logo design was used again by the
association in 2013, minted to the 70th
Anniversary challenge coins
Established 2001
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