Having dedicated his life to serving others, Robert Eugene McBride, passed away on August 30,
2016 at his home at Camp Mac, Munford, AL. "A HUNDRED YEARS FROM will not
matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the
world may be different because I was important in the life of a CHILD." Mr. McBride was born in
Talladega on November 25, 1929, to the late Eugene Anderson McBride and the late Ruby Kilgore
McBride. He was also preceded in death by his brother, John Anderson McBride. He is survived by
Margery Bryan McBride, his wife for over 63 years, two sons, Allen Anderson McBride, of Munford,
and John Bryan McBride, of Anniston (wife, Jill), three granddaughters, Emily Jean McBride, of
Washington, D.C., Riley Ann McBride and Jenny Bryan McBride, of Anniston, and two cousins,
Gail Wood Dixon, of Clinton, SC, and Bill Wood, of Clinton, MS. A 1948 graduate of Talladega High
School, Mr. McBride attended Auburn University on a U.S. Naval ROTC scholarship, graduating,
with honors, in 1952, with a degree in Electrical Engineering. While at Auburn University, he was
tapped for membership in the following honoraries: Eta Kappa Nu & Tau Beta Pi Engineering;
Scabbard & Blade Military; and Steerage Naval. He was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha Social
Fraternity. Mr. McBride served three summers as a Midshipman with the Atlantic Fleet and three
years on active duty as an officer in the United States Navy during the Korean Conflict. He was
deployed for two years on the USS Libra, AKA-12, out of Norfolk Naval Base and for one year with
the Beach Jumper Unit 2, stationed out of Little Creek Naval Station. He was honorably discharged
in 1955 as a Lieutenant. Employed at AIDB from 1956 - 1983 as Electronics Engineer and Director
of Clinical Services, Mr. McBride retired to devote full time to operating Camp Mac, where he was
Owner/Director from 1955 until his death. Camp Mac, a children's summer camp for boys and girls,
was founded by his parents in 1948. From its beginning of about a dozen campers, Camp Mac
presently serves, each summer, over 700 boys and girls, from approximately 132 cities, 21 states
and 6 foreign countries. A member of First United Methodist Church, Talladega, since 1941, Mr.
McBride served on the Administrative Board/Council for over 59 years, during which time he was
Chairman of the Board, Chair of the Trustees, Chair of the Finance Committee and, until 2015,
was member/Chairperson of the Church's Foundation. While serving for 14 years as Long Range
Projects Chairman, he planned and supervised the church's complete renovation. Civic activities
include the following: The Talladega Kiwanis Club; past Chair and President of the United Way of
Talladega; Greater Talladega Area Chamber of Commerce, having served as Chairman of the
Highway Committee; past Chair Auburn University Talladega County Legislative Committee;
served on Gov. Bob Riley's Commission on Education Spending; was a Life Member of the Auburn
University Alumni Association; Member and past President of NorthTalladega County Auburn Club;
Member and past Chair of North Talladega County Easter Seal Society; Co-Chair 125th
Anniversary Celebration at AIDB; Co-founder and past President of the Association of Alabama
Camps; Life Member of the National Rifle Association; and Certified Rifle Instructor. About 20
years ago, along with Mary Sue Gaines and Ray Miller, Mr. McBride established The Talladega
City Schools Foundation, was a past President, and until 2015, served as a member of the
Schools Foundation Board. A Foundation Chair was given in his honor in 2011. Since 1977, Mr.
McBride was especially proud to have been a volunteer for Alabama's Special Camp for Children
and Adults (ASCCA) and served for many years on its Advisory Board and as Treasurer. He
worked closely with retired Director, Jerry Bynum and John Stephenson, present Director, and was
available to assist whenever needed. He was recognized by many organizations during his
lifetime, including the following: The Hoyt Webb Award for a lifetime of dedicated service to Camp
ASCCA; The Meritorious Service Award from the Alabama Easter Seal Society; City of Talladega
Proclamation for his selfless dedication and generous financial contributions to the Talladega City
Schools Foundation and for his years of community service with youth; The Community Education
Advancement Award from the Talladega City Schools Foundation; Certificate of Special
Recognition from the Lotus Award Committee for outstanding service in aiding the handicapped.
Pallbearers are: Allen Gray McMillan, III, Andy Dishman, Dr. David Hillman, Hugh O'Neal, Alvin
Bresler, Kenny Robertson, John Stephenson and Reid Carpenter. Honorary pallbearers are: John
Granger, Ray Miller, Andy Brown, Jean McMillan, Gayle McMillan, Wren and Julie Munroe, Jeanne
and Tony McKinney, Marion and Dewayne Clark, Connie Barnes, Becky and Jack Clark, Jesse
Brown, Phil and Catherine Smith, Frances Ross, Robin Beverly, Rad Gaines, Jeffry Camp, Bill
Camp, Gary Heacock, George "Snoozy" Jones, Bob and Mary Dishman, Margaret Ann Loyd,
Margaret and Bill Whitaker and Ralph Yeilding. The family wishes to extend their very special
appreciation to Kathy Cooper, Mr. McBride's loving Caregiver; to Dr. Gorman Jones, his physician
for almost 20 years; to past and present Camp Mac staff; to all of the contractors and their crews
who worked with him at camp over the years; to our Pastor, Minnie Bailey; to our Choir Director,
pianist and members of our Church Choir; and to members of our Church's Praise Band. Visitation
will be held on Thursday, September 1, 2016 from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Parlor at The First United
Methodist Church, 400 South East St., Talladega. At 4:00 p.m., a Celebration of Life Service will be
held in the church sanctuary with The Reverend Minnie Bailey, officiating. Usrey Funeral Home of
Talladega will direct. The family requests no flowers but would appreciate memorials in Mr.
McBride's memory to one of the following: First United Methodist Church Foundation, 400 South
East St., Talladega, AL 35160; Camp ASCCA (Easter Seal Camp), P.O. Box 21, Jackson Gap, AL,
36861; Endowment Fund of the Brother Bryan Mission, P.O. Box 11254, Birmingham, AL 35202.
LT. Robert E. McBride
BJU-2 1954-55
d. 8-30-2016
“Fair winds and following seas”
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association
‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’
(727) 4-USNBJA
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US Navy Beach Jumpers Assoc. ®,,
Website by R-Havekost,
BOD Chairman
- Ocracoke Island Memorial, Loop Shack Hill
- Beach Jumpers Memorial Honor Roll
- Deceased Members Personal Tributes
- CAPT Douglas Fairbanks Jr. USNR
- Members A-F
- Allen, Donovan, EN2, BJU2
- Allen, James LTjg BJU3&8
- Aucoin, Gary RD3, BJU2
- Barber, Richard RM2, BJU2
- Barry, Robert LT, BJU2
- Bartholdi, Joseph RD1, BJU2
- Benjamins, Edwin CRM, BJU6
- Bittner, Burt LT, BJU6
- Bobick, William, RD3, BJU1
- Bohannan, John RD2, BJU2
- Boyum, Danny EN2, BJU1
- Brewer, Charles QM3, BJU2
- Briggs, Ronald RM2, BJU2
- Brown, Donald, LCDR, BJU1
- Bucklew, Phil CAPT, BJU2
- Bullock, Harvey ENS, BJU4
- Burkey, Paul MM/1c, BJU1
- Burkholder, James EN2, BJU2
- Carlson, Ronald LT, BJU1
- Carlton, Jack ENS, BJU6
- Cason, GR RMCS, BJU1
- Casto, John RD3, BJU2
- Casto, Ronald RD3, BJU2
- Chapeau, David, ETR3, BJU1
- Clark, Curtis CWO3, BJU1
- Chesser, William, SK3, BJU2
- Clark, Edward RM2, BJU2
- Clemente, Wm. LCDR, BJU2&1
- Cochran,Wilmer, SM2c, BJU6
- Conley, Harold SK3, BJU1
- Conner, William Jr, LTjg, BJU1
- Costilow, James RM1, BJU1
- Coutinho, Roy LT, BJU1
- Culp, Ralph RM3, BJU2
- Davies, David RMCS, BJU1
- Davis, Charles T., ET2, BJU2
- Denslow, Irving CWO2, BJU2
- DeWeese, Jerry RM1, BJU1
- Dinsmore, G. Chris, RD2, BJU1
- Donaghy, Sam OS1, FCG2
- Doornbos, Robert, CWO4, BJU1
- Driscoll, Frederic RDm1/c, BJU4
- Dunton, Lewis RADM, BJU6
- Eiben, Michael, LTjg, BJU1
- English, Lon RD2, BJU1
- Engman, Clayton RM2, BJU1
- Everett, Richard ETN2, BJU1
- Fallen, David CDR, BJU2
- Fanning, Norris RT/2c, BJU7
- Frankenfield, Warren RD3, BJU2
- Franklin, James OS1, BJU1
- Members G-L
- Gacek, Chester RM3/c, BJU9
- Gallagher, Rodney RMSN, BJU2
- Glaza, David OS2, BJU1
- Grauten, Henry LTjg., BJU7
- Harris, John AE1, BJU11
- Hanlon, Charles RD3, BJU2
- Harvey, C.Felix LT, BJU2
- Havyer, William, ETN2, BJU2
- Hayes, Simon, RD3, BJU2
- Hendry, James CDR, BJU2
- Hennessy, Peter LTjg, BJU2
- Hill, Kenneth L. SKCS, BJU2
- Hoatson, Norman ET2, BJU1
- Hobbs, Jim CAPT, BJU1
- Hoffman, Benjamin LTjg, BJU2
- Hogan, Joseph ENS, BJU6
- Hollers, James PN3, BJU2
- Hower, William LTjg, BJU1
- Johnson, Joe ET2, BJU2
- Johnson, William RMC, BJU1
- Jones, Lynn IC3, BJU1
- Jones, William, RD2, BJU1
- Kenyon, Richard LTjg, BJU2
- Kersting, William CAPT, BJU1
- Kisselburg,Ken ETSN, BJU1
- Kittelson,Gary, LTjg BJU2
- Kreske, Malcom RT/3c, BJU9
- Krolak, John, RM3, BJU2
- Kropf, Robert ETCS, BJU1
- Lando, Robert CDR, BJU4
- Lane, Charles RD3, BJU1
- LaPointe, Norman, ET3, BJU2
- Lasell, Max CAPT, BJU2
- Lee, Thurman ENCS, BJU2
- Long, John P, CDR, BJU2
- Members M-S
- MacGilvray, Bruce RD2, BJU1
- Maguire, Robert GM/1c, BJU4 & 11
- Manfield Jr, John J, QM3, BJU2
- Marco, Thomas RD3, BJU1
- Marino, Al ENFN, BJU1
- Matula, George GMG1, BJU2
- McAndrew, James QM1, BJU2
- McBride, Robert LT., BJU2
- McCormack, Elmer LCDR, BJU1
- McCue, George BM1, BJU2
- McGath, Arthur, EN3, BJU2
- McGregor, James RM2, BJU1
- McLeod, John EMC, BJU1
- McQuade, Patrick EN3, BJU1
- Miller, Donald EN2, BJU2
- Miller, Herman RMC, BJU2
- Miller, Wayne EM2, BJU2
- Mohn, Larry ETN2, BJU1
- Mohler, Phillip GSCS, BJU1
- Moncrief, Phillip LTjg., BJU1
- Moore, Charles EN3, BJU2
- Moore, Frank SFM2, BJU2
- Morrissey, James ET3, BJU2 & 1
- Mullen, George LCDR, BJU9
- Mulqueen, Jerry RD2, BJU2
- Munro, Robert EN3, BJU1
- Murphy, Chester CDR, BJU2
- Nagel, Roger FN, BJU1
- Newberg, Gary ETC, BJU1
- Niederer, Otto LT, BJU1 & 2
- Oden, Dickie RM2, BJU1
- O'Donnell, William EM1, BJU2
- Olney, Austin LT, BJU6
- Peterson, Thomas PN3, BJU2
- Placek, Donald RD2, BJU2
- Price, Robert, CDR, BJU2
- Prince, Michael OSCS, BJU1
- Pollock, Charles LT, BJU2
- Rainie, Robert CRM, BJU1&9
- Ramsey, Homer RM3, BJU1
- Reynolds, Charles, SFM2, BJU2
- Richter, Philip RD1, BJU2
- Rodolfich, Steve, RM3, BJU1
- Root, Larry YN3, BJU1
- Ross, Clyde BM3, BJU2
- Roy, Robert ETM2/c, BJU6
- Rumfield, Stanley, CTM2, BJU1
- Sandwick, John QM/2c, BJU3
- Ryan, Edward SN, BJU2
- Sander, Louis LTjg, BJU2
- Scott, James SK2c, BJU10
- Seekins, Pearley, EM3, BJU2
- Seymour, George ETCM, BJU1
- Skinner, William SM /2c, BJU1
- Skorheim, Robert LTjg, BJU2
- Slattery, Ernest BM1, BJU2
- Smither, Danny IC3, BJU1
- Stambaugh, Carl RM1, BJU1
- Stamper, Michael SFM3, BJU2
- Stanley, Eugene, RD2, BJU2
- Steffen, Werner CDR, BJU1
- Stuber, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Summa, Raymond ET3, BJU2
- Sutherland, Donald RD3, BJU1
- Swanson, Raynor EWCM, BJU1
- Members T-Z
- Thomas, Stephen LT, BJU2
- Timmons, Edward, RMC, BJU1
- Toti, Frank RD3, BJU1
- Tucker, Bruce ENFN, BJU2
- Tumey, John W. ET2, BJU1
- VanWinkle, Daniel, LT, BJU1
- Vorndran, Charles RM/2c, BJU5 & 9
- Watson, David OSCM, BJU1
- Wall, James E. GM3, BJU1
- Watson, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Wenzlaff, George OSCS, BJU1
- Willis, Berry CDR, BJU1
- Witherspoon, Charles CDR, BJU1
- Wolf, Bernard LTjg, BJU2
- Woods, Larry SFM3, BJU1
- Wootten, Thomas CDR, BJU1
- YellowEagle, James ADJ3, BJU1
- Zeiger, Steve ETR2, BJU2
- - - - -Honorary Associates- - - -
- John B. Dwyer, Author, History of Navy Beach Jumpers
- Earl O'Neal, Ocracoke Island Historian
Established 2001
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