Henry Sylvester Grauten, 93, of Lake San Marcos, CA, passed away peacefully at home on September 2, 2015. Henry is survived by his 13 children and their spouses, and 13 grandchildren. His wife of 68 years, Rheba, passed away this past February. Henry was a graduate of Purdue University, and attended MIT, Stanford and California State University Long Beach. He held professional licenses in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and also received an MBA. Henry served in the Navy during WW2 and retired after 20 years with the rank of Commander. He had a second 20 year career as the Assistant Superintendent of the Long Beach Unified School District. After retiring, Henry and Rheba lived in Lake San Marcos and enjoyed golfing (he was a hole-in-oner!), gardening and long road trips together. Henry was a devoted and generous father, offering every one of his 13 children the ability to attend college, and financial help whenever they needed it. His great intelligence and wit, and strength of character will be very much missed. A service will be held on Saturday, September 26 at All Souls Cemetery in Long Beach, CA. Please sign the guestbook at www.presstelegram.com/obits.
LTjg. Henry S. Grauten BJU-7 1943-45   d. 9-02-2015   “Fair winds and following seas”
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association ‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’ (727) 4-USNBJA
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Website by R-Havekost, BOD Chairman
            Established 2001
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