Regular Members and Associate Members Information Update page.   The Admin Office of the association has had a difficult time with keeping the membership roster up to date. One of the reasons is that our members may have moved, changed telephone numbers or email addresses, and have not notified us of the change. Several years ago, the online member database became corrupt and could not be recovered. We needed to recreate and update our files.   To keep our database current, we ask that all of our members, past and present, kindly download and answer the information on the form and submit it to the Admin Office, so we may continue to maintain an up to date database to share with our members. (You only need to submit an update when your address, email or telephone number has changed.) Click HERE to download the update form If you previously responded to the 2024 online/email buddy check there is no need to update again unless the info has again changed.   The database is available ONLY to our members. It is located in the 'Members Only' section of the website which requires your login ce.  Thank you.
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association ‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’ (727) 4-USNBJA
Copyright 1996-2025 All rights reserved                                                                                                                                                                      US Navy Beach Jumpers Assoc.                                          ®,,
Website by R-Havekost, BOD Chairman
            Established 2001
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