EFFECTIVE APRIL 2023 and during 2024 If you were paying your annual dues online in the past, the Association no longer subscribes to any online payment service. For 2024 your dues will only be accepted via check or money order. We have transitioned away from the PayPal method. This is in part due to recent changes in their policies for the year 2023. OUR DUES IS STILL ONLY $25.00/yr. Make check or M.O. payable to: U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Assoc. 357 Sparrow Branch Circle Saint Johns, FL 32259-4543  In order to attend reunions, make certain purchases from ships store, be given access to the 'members only' section of this website,  request letters of recommendation, association certificates, etc., you must be a 'member in good standing'. This requires paying your annual dues. Upon payment of your 2024 dues, your membership status will be updated on the membership roster. Thank you, The Board of Directors Chairman chairman@beachjumpers.com                              
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association ‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’ (727) 4-USNBJA
Copyright 1996-2025 All rights reserved                                                                                                                                                                      US Navy Beach Jumpers Assoc.                                          ®beachjumpers.com, beachjumpers.org, usnavybeachjumpers.org
Website by R-Havekost, BOD Chairman
2024 Membership ID card sample
Membership roster status key: A= Active member 2025, dues paid L= Life Member (age 80+) a= Active member 2024, dues paid Members who fail to pay dues are not permitted to hold association office or vote at an association meeting. Meetings are held at association reunions.
Is your dues up to date? Is your dues up to date?
            Established 2001
DO NOT attempt to make a payment to the old BeachJumpers  PayPal account as it was closed Oct.2023. We can no longer access that account to retrieve the payment.
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