Mr. Root was born November 17, 1944 to parents Jackson J. and Betty Graves. Larry was a graduate of Rockford High School located in Rockford Michigan. After his graduation from high school, Larry enlisted into the United States Navy and served his country as a Beach Jumper in Vietnam. In addition to his several stays in Michigan, as an adult Larry lived in California, Arizona, Louisiana, Arizona and Georgia. He drove a school bus for Maricopa County in Arizona and also worked in the family insurance business. He also served his community as a paramedic for Rockford Ambulance Service. In his retirement, he served as a member of the Navy's Honor Guard. Mr. Root was a member of the Rockford United Methodist Church. Larry loved his two dogs, Rocky and Charlie, loved being in nature and fishing. His family will remember him for his love of NASCAR even being a NASCAR season ticket holder. Larry J. Root is survived by his daughter, Candi Solomon and her significant other Louis Bosca; nephew Daniel Smith and his wife, Linda; nieces Tammie Franklin, and Amy Hobbs; sisters Sandra Cleary and Mary Walker; grandchildren Jacob Solomon, Nicolai Solomon, and Lydia Solomon; and great grandchild Hans Solomon. In addition to his parents, Larry is preceded in passing by his significant other Charlene Sloan, and sister Lonny Greziak. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Root family.
YN3 Larry Root BJU-1 1967-68 d. 6-24-2023  “Fair winds and following seas”
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association ‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’ (727) 4-USNBJA
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