REUNION 2022 OCRACOKE ISLAND, NC MEETING MINUTES MAY 29, 2022 EM3 Roy Havekost, BJU2, Reunion Coordinator Photos for this reunion can be found on  Meeting called to order at _1:00pm__ by _Director Roy Havekost___ Salute to flag by SAA Roger Mills ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: President Markaverich    __excused_____ V. President Paul Fisher __excused_____ Secty/Treasurer Roy Havekost __present______ Chaplain Ed Salazar __excused_____ Asst. Chaplain Charley Collins  __present_____ SAA Roger Mills __present______ Director Roy Havekost __present______ Director Carl Kilhoffer __present______ Director Wayne Miller __excused_____ Director Tim Slattery __excused_____ Director Bob Danenhower __present______ Membership Chair Ray O’Hara __excused_____ Historian Dave Snell __excused_____ UNFINISHED BUSINESS:1. In order to rekindle interest in the association, the website was changed to publicly display the names and unit numbers of members. Member phone numbers and addresses will still be maintained in a secure members only area of the website. Roy reported that during the rest of this year he willbe working on a new members only section and login with a database of all members addresses and emails. All dues paying members will have access to this database. 2. With regard to possibly having future reunions more centrally located, we have yet to enlist a member to act as a boots on the ground coordinator. Although there seems to be interest from some west coast members to have another San Diego reunion, we have yet to find a member to act as a boots on the ground coordinator there either. Since BJs have our own memorial on Ocracoke, we have a purpose to continue reunions here. Sectry late note: The National Park Service has expressed an interest to become more involved in future reunions on Ocracoke, this relayed to me since the memorial service and wreath laying ceremony at this reunion. 3. There was again some talk about some type of static display for the UDT-SEAL Museum. In the absence of any BJ memorabilia that could be obtained for a display, nothing further on this issue at this time. 4.  After the last reunion in 2019 it was suggested that some restoration be made on the Memorial painted lettering. The lettering and decals had sustained much fading due to past hurricanes on the island. Clifton and Clifton Monuments were contacted and contracted for this purpose. I reported that Clifton & Clifton was contracted to repaint all lettering and have 4 vinyl logos (USN seal, BJA seal, BJ-6&7 logo and the red WWII logo) applied over the previously painted and faded logos, which according to the company will last longer than a painted logo. This refurbish was completed the week before the reunion. (See finance report on cost) FINANCE REPORT: Approved as presented. Report for 2020-2021-and up to May 2022 is attached below NEW BUSINESS: 1. With regard to the memorial monument, we will be looking into either a service group like the Boy Scouts and/or a Ladies Garden Group, local to Ocracoke to possibly agree to maintain the grounds surrounding the monument for better visibility from the road. Roy will attempt to coordinate this service for the monument. 2. Treasurers note: Since the 2019 reunion, fundraising took place through the website for the memorial refurbish project and we raised $2,470.00 for that purpose. ELECTIONS: In accordance with our association by-laws, Section 6 - Officers, the following slate is presented to the membership as follows: President Larry Markaverich, Vice President Paul Fisher, Secretary-Treasurer Roy Havekost, Co-Treasurer Carl Kilhoffer. Directors (5) Roy Havekost, Carl Kilhoffer, Wayne Miller, Tim Slattery and Bob Danenhower. A call for any other nominations from the floor was made three times. None being made, Steve Brincefield made a motion to elect the entire slate as presented, it was seconded and passed unanimously. Term of office for officers is three years and will run from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026. Term of office for directors is five years and will run from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2028.Note: the Exec. Board voted to retain the following appointments: Sgt.atArms Roger Mills, Chaplain Ed Salazar and Assistant Chaplain Charley Collins. Membership Chairman Ray O’Hara and Historian Dave Snell. There is no further business to come before this meeting…Adjourned at: 2:00pm Roy Havekost, Secretary REUNION 2022 FINANCE REPORT -  January 1, 2020 to MAY 20 TH , 2022 2020 Beginning balance $3,258.09 Dues collected via Paypal   84@23.97   2,013.48                             via check       4@25.00                 100.00 2020 operation costs, website, phone, postage, stationary supplies, ID cards, ID card print supplies, postal mailbox, USNI annual subscription, etc  -2,000.00 2020 ending balance $3,371.57 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021 Beginning balance $3,371.57 Dues collected via Paypal 71@23.97   1,701.87                                                         via check     4@25.00                   100.00 Other donations, includes donations from 6 life members      735.00 Operations costs (same as 2021) -2,000.00 2021 ending balance $4,908.44                                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 Beginning balance $4,908.44 Dues collected via Paypal  70@23.64               1,654.80                             via check      4@25.00                  100.00 Other donations, includes donations from 7 life members      635.00 Anticipated operational costs (full year)        -2,000.00 2022 May20th ending balance $6,298.24                                  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Budget for 2022 reunion costs              Proposed            Actual costs Group breakfasts, meeting refreshments  -1,500.00                    -762.79 Golf Cart rentals (10)(3 days each)  -2,135.00                 -1,921.50  (9 rentals) Memorial wreath                                                    -200.00                    -200.00         Low Country Boil  (25 count)                             -1,025.00                -1,025.00 Total budgeted              $4,685.00              $3,909.29    under budget by 775.71 2022 May 30th ending balance                         $2,388.95 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2020 Memorial Monument account (dedicated account) Fundraising yielded              $2,470.00 Clifton-Clifton estimate to repaint and applyvinyl labels (4 logos) $1,281.00 2020 deposit to Clifton-Clifton                  -800.00 2022 balance owed                                                  -481.00 Monument account balance              $1,189.00 Note: due to Covid-19 refurbish project was delayed start to finish. Respectfully submitted, Roy Havekost, Treasurer Carl Kilhoffer, Co-Treasurer
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association ‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’ (727) 4-USNBJA
Copyright 1996-2025 All rights reserved                                                                                                                                                                      US Navy Beach Jumpers Assoc.                                          ®,,
Website by R-Havekost, BOD Chairman
            Established 2001
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