Reunion 2019, Meeting Minutes
Beach Jumper Memorial Monument Dedication
10th Anniversary Reunion
Ocracoke Island, NC
EM3 Roy Havekost, BJU2, Reunion Coordinator
Photos for this reunion can be found on
1. Meeting called to order, President Markaverich on May 25, 2019 at 4:30pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call of officers/directors
President Larry Markaverich present
Vice President Paul Fisher excused/not feeling well (at reunion) Arms Roger Mills absent
Chaplain vacant ____
BOD Roy Havekost + Sectry-Treas. present
BOD Carl Kilhoffer + Treasurer present
BOD Wayne Miller present
BOD Tim Slattery present
BOD Dave Glaza absent
Membership Chairmn.Ray O’Hara present
4. Reading of previous meeting minutes (May 2017), motion and second to accept
as presented, passed unanimously.
7. Finance report – Havekost
General checking account starting balance for Jan. 2018
Operational expenses for 2018, website, domains, telephone,
postal mailbox, postage, stationary etc.
$ 1,196.92
Ending balance for 2018
$ 2,826.61
Starting balance for January 2019
$ 2,826.61
Deposits from PayPal for dues, reunion deposits, coin sales, etc
$ 719.38
Deposit for Dajio’s Restaurant
$ 500.00
Balance to Dajio’s for luncheon
$ 1,107.60
Plaque for Dajio from Association
$ 69.55
Misc. refreshments for Community Center gatherings
$ 72.75
Wreath for Memorial Ceremony
$ 150.00
$ 1,646.09
Current balance in PayPal account (dues, etc.)
$ 1,037.00
Rental fee Community Center (not yet paid)
$ 175.00
Reunion coin sales 30@$10 each
$ 300.00
Donation ( Alan VanBladel )
$ 100.00
Ending balance at reunion May 26, 2019
$ 3,258.09
A motion and second was made to accept as reported, passed unanimously.
Note: the approximate administrative costs each year for the association are about
$1500. The costs include website operation(650), three domain registrations (90),
phone (50), postal mailbox (250), stationary-postage-id cards-office supplies (500).
A decline in dues paying members was also noted, so far this year only 70 members
have paid to date 70@23.97= $1,677.90 based on payment thru PayPal.
The dues issue had been discussed at the Executive Board meeting the night before and
changes will be implemented on the website in an attempt raise association interest.
8. Unfinished business (at Exec. Board meeting):
a. Ray O’Hara gave a summary report on membership standings. Changes will be
being made to the website to be able to display member name and unit
information to the general public (no phone, address or email) in an effort to
rekindle association interest. Phone, address and email information will still only
be available in the secure members only section of the website.
b. Future reunions were discussed at length at the Executive Board meeting and
it was suggested to table any further discussion at the general meeting until the
changes with the website determines future interest. We will be looking into
possibly a more centralized location between the coasts. More will follow and be
announced on the web and facebook.
c. A proposal by Roy Havekost to explore the possibility of securing a permanent
website presence on the internet for the next ten years or more was discussed.
He will move forward to determine all costs involved and report back to the EBoard in the future.
d. Wayne Miller is tasked with contacting the UDT-SEAL Association to pursue the
dea of having a Beach Jumper display at their museum in Florida. The board will
communicate via email on this re. any progress etc. Roy Havekost will contact
Vera Fairbanks to determine if any contract or agreement exists with her and the
National WWII Museum in New Orleans with reference to Capt. Fairbanks and
other personal items that were loaned to them for display purposes. More will be
reported on this museum presence endeavor via the website and facebook once
approved/disapproved by the Board.
9. New business: There was no new business brought before the meeting.
10.Memorial remembrance: Fifty six (56) names of members, who had passed since
the 2009 Ocracoke reunion, were read followed by a bell toll after each name.
It should be noted here that 14 of these members had previously trained on
Ocracoke during WWII, and many of them had attended the 2009 memorial
dedication. May they RIP, they are not forgotten.
11. Motion was made to adjourn meeting, 6:00pm.
Roy Havekost, Association Secretary,
Board of Directors Chairman
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association
‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’
(727) 4-USNBJA
Copyright 1996-2025
All rights reserved
US Navy Beach Jumpers Assoc. ®,,
Website by R-Havekost,
BOD Chairman
- Ocracoke Island Memorial, Loop Shack Hill
- Beach Jumpers Memorial Honor Roll
- Deceased Members Personal Tributes
- CAPT Douglas Fairbanks Jr. USNR
- Members A-F
- Allen, Donovan, EN2, BJU2
- Allen, James LTjg BJU3&8
- Aucoin, Gary RD3, BJU2
- Barber, Richard RM2, BJU2
- Barry, Robert LT, BJU2
- Bartholdi, Joseph RD1, BJU2
- Benjamins, Edwin CRM, BJU6
- Bittner, Burt LT, BJU6
- Bobick, William, RD3, BJU1
- Bohannan, John RD2, BJU2
- Boyum, Danny EN2, BJU1
- Brewer, Charles QM3, BJU2
- Briggs, Ronald RM2, BJU2
- Brown, Donald, LCDR, BJU1
- Bucklew, Phil CAPT, BJU2
- Bullock, Harvey ENS, BJU4
- Burkey, Paul MM/1c, BJU1
- Burkholder, James EN2, BJU2
- Carlson, Ronald LT, BJU1
- Carlton, Jack ENS, BJU6
- Cason, GR RMCS, BJU1
- Casto, John RD3, BJU2
- Casto, Ronald RD3, BJU2
- Chapeau, David, ETR3, BJU1
- Clark, Curtis CWO3, BJU1
- Chesser, William, SK3, BJU2
- Clark, Edward RM2, BJU2
- Clemente, Wm. LCDR, BJU2&1
- Cochran,Wilmer, SM2c, BJU6
- Conley, Harold SK3, BJU1
- Conner, William Jr, LTjg, BJU1
- Costilow, James RM1, BJU1
- Coutinho, Roy LT, BJU1
- Culp, Ralph RM3, BJU2
- Davies, David RMCS, BJU1
- Davis, Charles T., ET2, BJU2
- Denslow, Irving CWO2, BJU2
- DeWeese, Jerry RM1, BJU1
- Dinsmore, G. Chris, RD2, BJU1
- Donaghy, Sam OS1, FCG2
- Doornbos, Robert, CWO4, BJU1
- Driscoll, Frederic RDm1/c, BJU4
- Dunton, Lewis RADM, BJU6
- Eiben, Michael, LTjg, BJU1
- English, Lon RD2, BJU1
- Engman, Clayton RM2, BJU1
- Everett, Richard ETN2, BJU1
- Fallen, David CDR, BJU2
- Fanning, Norris RT/2c, BJU7
- Frankenfield, Warren RD3, BJU2
- Franklin, James OS1, BJU1
- Members G-L
- Gacek, Chester RM3/c, BJU9
- Gallagher, Rodney RMSN, BJU2
- Glaza, David OS2, BJU1
- Grauten, Henry LTjg., BJU7
- Harris, John AE1, BJU11
- Hanlon, Charles RD3, BJU2
- Harvey, C.Felix LT, BJU2
- Havyer, William, ETN2, BJU2
- Hayes, Simon, RD3, BJU2
- Hendry, James CDR, BJU2
- Hennessy, Peter LTjg, BJU2
- Hill, Kenneth L. SKCS, BJU2
- Hoatson, Norman ET2, BJU1
- Hobbs, Jim CAPT, BJU1
- Hoffman, Benjamin LTjg, BJU2
- Hogan, Joseph ENS, BJU6
- Hollers, James PN3, BJU2
- Hower, William LTjg, BJU1
- Johnson, Joe ET2, BJU2
- Johnson, William RMC, BJU1
- Jones, Lynn IC3, BJU1
- Jones, William, RD2, BJU1
- Kenyon, Richard LTjg, BJU2
- Kersting, William CAPT, BJU1
- Kisselburg,Ken ETSN, BJU1
- Kittelson,Gary, LTjg BJU2
- Kreske, Malcom RT/3c, BJU9
- Krolak, John, RM3, BJU2
- Kropf, Robert ETCS, BJU1
- Lando, Robert CDR, BJU4
- Lane, Charles RD3, BJU1
- LaPointe, Norman, ET3, BJU2
- Lasell, Max CAPT, BJU2
- Lee, Thurman ENCS, BJU2
- Long, John P, CDR, BJU2
- Members M-S
- MacGilvray, Bruce RD2, BJU1
- Maguire, Robert GM/1c, BJU4 & 11
- Manfield Jr, John J, QM3, BJU2
- Marco, Thomas RD3, BJU1
- Marino, Al ENFN, BJU1
- Matula, George GMG1, BJU2
- McAndrew, James QM1, BJU2
- McBride, Robert LT., BJU2
- McCormack, Elmer LCDR, BJU1
- McCue, George BM1, BJU2
- McGath, Arthur, EN3, BJU2
- McGregor, James RM2, BJU1
- McLeod, John EMC, BJU1
- McQuade, Patrick EN3, BJU1
- Miller, Donald EN2, BJU2
- Miller, Herman RMC, BJU2
- Miller, Wayne EM2, BJU2
- Mohn, Larry ETN2, BJU1
- Mohler, Phillip GSCS, BJU1
- Moncrief, Phillip LTjg., BJU1
- Moore, Charles EN3, BJU2
- Moore, Frank SFM2, BJU2
- Morrissey, James ET3, BJU2 & 1
- Mullen, George LCDR, BJU9
- Mulqueen, Jerry RD2, BJU2
- Munro, Robert EN3, BJU1
- Murphy, Chester CDR, BJU2
- Nagel, Roger FN, BJU1
- Newberg, Gary ETC, BJU1
- Niederer, Otto LT, BJU1 & 2
- Oden, Dickie RM2, BJU1
- O'Donnell, William EM1, BJU2
- Olney, Austin LT, BJU6
- Peterson, Thomas PN3, BJU2
- Placek, Donald RD2, BJU2
- Price, Robert, CDR, BJU2
- Prince, Michael OSCS, BJU1
- Pollock, Charles LT, BJU2
- Rainie, Robert CRM, BJU1&9
- Ramsey, Homer RM3, BJU1
- Reynolds, Charles, SFM2, BJU2
- Richter, Philip RD1, BJU2
- Rodolfich, Steve, RM3, BJU1
- Root, Larry YN3, BJU1
- Ross, Clyde BM3, BJU2
- Roy, Robert ETM2/c, BJU6
- Rumfield, Stanley, CTM2, BJU1
- Sandwick, John QM/2c, BJU3
- Ryan, Edward SN, BJU2
- Sander, Louis LTjg, BJU2
- Scott, James SK2c, BJU10
- Seekins, Pearley, EM3, BJU2
- Seymour, George ETCM, BJU1
- Skinner, William SM /2c, BJU1
- Skorheim, Robert LTjg, BJU2
- Slattery, Ernest BM1, BJU2
- Smither, Danny IC3, BJU1
- Stambaugh, Carl RM1, BJU1
- Stamper, Michael SFM3, BJU2
- Stanley, Eugene, RD2, BJU2
- Steffen, Werner CDR, BJU1
- Stuber, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Summa, Raymond ET3, BJU2
- Sutherland, Donald RD3, BJU1
- Swanson, Raynor EWCM, BJU1
- Members T-Z
- Thomas, Stephen LT, BJU2
- Timmons, Edward, RMC, BJU1
- Toti, Frank RD3, BJU1
- Tucker, Bruce ENFN, BJU2
- Tumey, John W. ET2, BJU1
- VanWinkle, Daniel, LT, BJU1
- Vorndran, Charles RM/2c, BJU5 & 9
- Watson, David OSCM, BJU1
- Wall, James E. GM3, BJU1
- Watson, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Wenzlaff, George OSCS, BJU1
- Willis, Berry CDR, BJU1
- Witherspoon, Charles CDR, BJU1
- Wolf, Bernard LTjg, BJU2
- Woods, Larry SFM3, BJU1
- Wootten, Thomas CDR, BJU1
- YellowEagle, James ADJ3, BJU1
- Zeiger, Steve ETR2, BJU2
- - - - -Honorary Associates- - - -
- John B. Dwyer, Author, History of Navy Beach Jumpers
- Earl O'Neal, Ocracoke Island Historian
Established 2001
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