Reunion 2011, Meeting Minutes Astor Crown Plaza Hotel  New Orleans, LA EM3 Roy Havekost, BJU2, & RD2 Gary F. Aucoin, BJU2, Reunion Coordinators Photos for this reunion can be found on  1. President Larry Markaverich called the meeting to order on November 12, 2011 at 1944 hours in the Grand Ballroom at the Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel in New Orleans. 2. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Chief Ed Bentley officiated the opening prayer. 3. President Markaverich followed with welcoming remarks. 4. Board Chairman Roy Havekost addressed the group with his opening remarks. 5. Roll call of officers: Present- Markaverich, Havekost, Glaza, Slattery, and Miller. Absent- Kilhoffer, Fanning, Spielmann, Mills and Prince. 6. In the absence of a meeting in 2010 no minutes were read. 7. Roy Havekost gave an abbreviated treasurers report in the absence of Secretary/Treasurer Norris Fanning. The Memorial Fund account had a starting balance of $2,529.90. The plaque for the World War II Museum presentation cost $71.00, leaving a closing balance of $2,458.90. The General Checking account balance as of 11-1-11 was $9,338.98 which included reunion deposits of $4,725.00. Cost of the World War II Museum tour and luncheon came to $2,118.45. Final costs for the Astor are estimated to be about $5,000 ( hospitality room, banquet dinner, banquet bartender, etc). Cancellation refunds should be about $700.00, and a cost for member plaques at $336.00 leaving an estimated balance of approximately $1,200.00. 8. Unfinished business, none. 9. New Business: there are two new amendments being presented, First- Article 5 Sect. F – If no meeting is held in the year when the term for a Director expires, the term shall continue in full force and effect until the next scheduled general membership meeting. Motion made by Ed Bentley to accept, seconded by Gordon Welch, motion passed unanimously. Second- Article 6 Sect. I - If no meeting is held in the year when the term for an Officer expires, the term shall continue in full force and effect until the next scheduled general membership meeting. Motion made by Bill Messier to accept, seconded by Gordon Welch, motion passed unanimously. Next order of new business was a discussion on future reunions. Both the pros and cons of having either annual or alternate year reunions were addressed. Attendance numbers were also addressed as well as future locations. The executive board of officers will take all concerns into consideration when determining our next reunion. Before the discussion ended, a show of hands indicated that all but one of the members present want to have annual reunions. 10. Presentations, Gary Aucoin was presented with a plaque of appreciation for his work as the Reunion Coordinator. Plaques recognizing years of service to the association were presented to President Markaverich and Directors Glaza, Miller and Slattery. Officers and directors not in attendance will receive their plaques via US Mail. 11. Roy Havekost read the names of our deceased members since 2009, during a moment of silent prayer. 12. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2026 hours. Submitted by Roy Havekost Secretary pro-tem
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Website by R-Havekost, BOD Chairman
            Established 2001
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