Reunion 2009, Meeting Minutes Ocracoke Island, NC RD2 Roger Mills, BJU2,  & EM3 Roy Havekost, BJU2, Reunion Coordinators Photos for this reunion can be found on  Call meeting to order:  President Larry Markaverich on October 24, 2009 Salute to flag:  Sergeant at Arms, Roger Mills Opening prayer: Welcoming remarks President Larry Markaverich Roll call of Officers: President Larry Markaverich Vice President John Spielmann,  absent - excused Secretary -Treasurer Norris Fanning Chaplain Michael Prince,   absent - excused Roll call of Board of Directors: Chairman, Roy Havekost Director, Carl Kilhoffer Director, Wayne Miller Director, David Glaza,  absent Director, Tim Slattery Reading of minutes: Minutes from 2008, questions(?) and/or discussion, motion (from head table) and second to  accept as presented Treasurers Report: Norris Fanning given from head table, questions(?) and/or discussion,  motion (from head table) and second to accept as read. (report annexed to bottom of this page) Unfinished business: None noted New Business: Reunion 2010 tentatively booked for San Diego in November 2010, need vote, or alternate location(s) to vote on. Open to floor for any new business. Election of Officers: President to turn meeting over to Chairman. Nominations for: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. By-Laws, proposed amendments: 1. Article 4 Membership Constraints section B.  to read:  Member-at-large, is a member who is not current in paying dues. This member is not eligible to hold office, vote on Association matters or attend association reunions (Proposed for 2009).   2. Article 6 Officers, new section h. to read: The position of Sergeant at Arms will be created under this section. The Sergeant at Arms shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The SAA will continue to serve at the pleasure of the Board. Duties of the SAA shall be to maintain order at all association functions and meetings, present the national colors when appropriate, and execute other functions as directed by the President. (Proposed for 2009) 3. Article 8 Dues, new section e. to read: Members whose dues is in arrears shall make a payment of the current years dues plus one year to be brought back into good standing status. (Proposed 2009 applicable since 2007 at direction of BoD) 4. Article 8 Dues, members who reach age 80 are exempt from annual dues at their own discretion. Motioned and seconded, discussed and passed unanimously. Awards / Presentations: Special presentations, Chairman Roy Havekost Good & Welfare: none Closing Prayer:  or moment of silence for departed Beach Jumpers. Respectfully submitted, Norris Fanning, Secretary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCE REPORT Balance as of Oct. 17, 2008 in GENERAL checking account  $ 13,155.32 DEPOSITS: Oct. 17 to Dec.31, 2008  totaled $      978.28 DEBITS: Oct 17, to Dec.31, 2008, challenge coins, operating  expenses, reunion @Crown Plaza Hotel, Fri. buffet,  Sat. banquet and other related expenses, postage, handling etc. $  8,603.86 Year end balance in GENERAL  checking account for 2008 $  5,529.74 Balance as of Jan. 1, 2009 GENERAL checking $  5,529.74 DEPOSITS:  GENERAL checking,  Jan. 1 thru Oct. 8, 2009include dues, CafePress sales credits, shipstore sales,reunion deposits, etc. $  4,244.19 DEBITS:  Jan. 1 thru Oct. 8, 2009 website hosting, stationary & printing supplies, postage, $     762.65  Balance in GENERAL  checking account as of Oct. 8, 2009 $  9,011.28 Projected reunion costs for Ocracoke 2009includes, Community Ctr. rental,  chairs and tent rental, catered buffet lunch on Friday,  hospitality refreshments,  related expenses,programs $  4,250.00 Projected balance in GENERAL checking account after reunion costs $  4,761.28 PayPal® online credit card processing account balance as ofOct. 8, 2009 (This gets transferred to general checking) $     149.29 CafePress® online shipstore credits as of Oct. 8, 2009 $       28.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MEMORIAL MARKER FUNDBalance in account as of Oct. 6, 2009 $   2, 534.90 Debits:Clifton & Clifton Monuments $ 16, 081.89 Crown Trophy ( Donor Plaque, Award Plaques, to be debited) $       965.14 Pledges received, totaled over $19,700.00 (not all collected) Respectfully submitted,   Norris Fanning, Treasurer
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U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association ‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’ (727) 4-USNBJA
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Website by R-Havekost, BOD Chairman
            Established 2001
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