Reunion 2006, Meeting Minutes
San Diego, CA
ET1 John Spielmann, BJU2, & EM3 Roy Havekost, BJU2, Reunion Coordinators
Photos for this reunion can be found on
The meeting was called to order on November 7, 2006 at 1915 hrs. by President Larry Markaverich.
Roll Call of Officers
Larry Markaverich, President
John Spielmann, Vice President
Norris Fanning, Secretary-Treasurer
Michael Prince, Chaplain
Roy Havekost, Director Chairman
Carl Kilhoffer, Director
Wayne Miller, Director
David Glaza, Director
John McLeod, Director
Opening Remarks and Welcoming: President Markaverich addressed the attendees and commended this year’s reunion coordinator John Spielmann and
NIOC Commander Eric Dietz for a job well done (applause). President Markaverich indicated our appreciation with not only the NIOC command but also the
command in Little Creek, VA for helping to make these reunions not only possible but also memorable and fulfilling to all.
Secretary –Treasurer Report: Norris Fanning read the minutes from the 2005 meeting . Included in that report was the enrollment of 68 new members into
the association. An amendment was voted on for By-Laws Section 8c DUES, and was unanimously approved to no longer be voluntary. The application
process for membership would now require payment before full acceptance.The financial report was read, as of October 25, 2006 we had a checking
balance of $11,177.00. Of that amount $8,249.00 was collected in advance for this reunion, and $3,666.00 was collected in dues. Reunion 2006 costs
projected will be $8,441.00. After miscellaneous stationary costs we anticipate a checking account balance of $2,675.00. A motion & second to accept
reports, approved unanimously.
Board of Directors Report: Roy Havekost, Chairman after a short hiatus the Board approved the reappointment of John McLeod to the Board replacing
Vincent Piscitelli. Roy also requested that members when they change their email addresses to please notify us so our records can be up to date. Also, the
website is currently receiving between 3 to 4 thousand hits monthly.
John McLeod requested that when members send in photos for the website, and we do want photos, to be include a description of what and where the
pictures are from.
Unfinished Business: Proposed Beach Jumper Memorial, to be presented later in the meeting.
New Business: Vote on proposed By-Laws changes;
Sect. 4 Membership, Sub. Sect. g: remove words “ or is currently”
Sect. 4 Membership, new Sub.Sect. h: add “who was or is currently assigned to Navy Information Operations Command”
Sect. 4 Associate Membership, new Sub.Sect. d: add “ A person, who shows an overwhelming interest in the Association, has had a past
contact or relationship with Navy Beach Jumpers and would be an asset to the Association, as determined by a four fifths vote of the Board
of Directors.”
Sect. 5 Board of Directors, Sub.Sect. d: change “three (3) years to five (5) years”
Sect. 6 Officers, Sub.Sect. b: change “one year to three (3) years”; “end of month to end of calendar year” and “ twelve (12) months to thirty
six (36) months”.
Sect. 6 Officers, new Sub.Sect. g: add “The position of Chaplain will be created under this section. The Chaplain shall be appointed by a
majority vote of the Executive Board. The Chaplain shall continue to serve at the pleasure of the Board.”
Sect. 8 Dues, new Sub.Sect. d: add “Any World War II member shall be exempt from annual dues at his discretion.”
A recommendation by the Executive Board was made to approve the above changes, a motion on the floor and second was received to approve as
recommended, approved unanimously.
Election of Officers: The existing slate of officers and directors was proposed for re-election. The President called for nominations from the floor, none were
received after three calls, motion and second to approve the proposed slate by acclamation, approved unanimously.
Proposed Beach Jumper Memorial: Since discussion at the 2005 reunion on one of the main objectives of the association being ‘to perpetuate the
recognition and memory of Navy Beach Jumpers’, Diane LaFond a renowned artist/sculpture was commissioned to create and provide a preliminary draft of
a Beach Jumper Monument for consideration by the Association for this purpose. The draft was displayed at the meeting. Discussion of the proposal
continued on the floor. It was the decision of the Executive Board to act as a search committee to investigate the probability of getting this project underway
and hopefully to completion in the next 2-3 years.
Reunion 2007: President Markaverich asked by a show of hands whether or not we want a reunion in 2007. The majority of members said yes. John
Spielmann agreed to ‘help” the next reunion coordinator with planning, etc. No volunteers at this time. Reunion coordinator to be solicited for on the
website, reunion location to be decided at later date.
Award Presentations: Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the following people.
Commander Eric Dietz, Commanding Officer, N.I.O.C.
Lt. Commander Fred L. Lindy III, Executive Officer, N.I.O.C.
Lt. Ron Harmon, N.I.O.C.
CMDCM James Ward, Command Master Chief, N.I.O.C.
YNCS Sandra Sims, N.I.O.C.
DC1 David Hatcher, N.I.O.C.
Maj. Tim Clemente, U.S.A.R. / Associate Member
Barry Trauger, Association Member
Carl Kilhoffer, Association Member
John Spielmann, Association Member/ Reunion Coordinator
Scott E. Brown, U.S.A.F. , Media Specialist / Guest
Good & Welfare: Rev. Michael Prince, Chaplain reflected briefly on Friday’s Memorial Service on the base. He also urged the members to contact us when
they learn of a Beach Jumpers passing, so that they made be included on the website memorial page of honor. On a note of urgency he requested prayers
for member Bill Griffith who after sustaining a major fall will face between 5-15 years of rehabilitation. Bill is our past Secretary-Treasurer. A moment of
silent prayer followed.
Closing Prayer: Rev. Michael Prince, Chaplain.
Motion-second to close meeting, approved. Meeting adjourned at 2032 hours.
Norris Fanning, Secretary
U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers Association
‘Turbo Vestri Hostilis’
(727) 4-USNBJA
Copyright 1996-2025
All rights reserved
US Navy Beach Jumpers Assoc. ®,,
Website by R-Havekost,
BOD Chairman
- Ocracoke Island Memorial, Loop Shack Hill
- Beach Jumpers Memorial Honor Roll
- Deceased Members Personal Tributes
- CAPT Douglas Fairbanks Jr. USNR
- Members A-F
- Allen, Donovan, EN2, BJU2
- Allen, James LTjg BJU3&8
- Aucoin, Gary RD3, BJU2
- Barber, Richard RM2, BJU2
- Barry, Robert LT, BJU2
- Bartholdi, Joseph RD1, BJU2
- Benjamins, Edwin CRM, BJU6
- Bittner, Burt LT, BJU6
- Bobick, William, RD3, BJU1
- Bohannan, John RD2, BJU2
- Boyum, Danny EN2, BJU1
- Brewer, Charles QM3, BJU2
- Briggs, Ronald RM2, BJU2
- Brown, Donald, LCDR, BJU1
- Bucklew, Phil CAPT, BJU2
- Bullock, Harvey ENS, BJU4
- Burkey, Paul MM/1c, BJU1
- Burkholder, James EN2, BJU2
- Carlson, Ronald LT, BJU1
- Carlton, Jack ENS, BJU6
- Cason, GR RMCS, BJU1
- Casto, John RD3, BJU2
- Casto, Ronald RD3, BJU2
- Chapeau, David, ETR3, BJU1
- Clark, Curtis CWO3, BJU1
- Chesser, William, SK3, BJU2
- Clark, Edward RM2, BJU2
- Clemente, Wm. LCDR, BJU2&1
- Cochran,Wilmer, SM2c, BJU6
- Conley, Harold SK3, BJU1
- Conner, William Jr, LTjg, BJU1
- Costilow, James RM1, BJU1
- Coutinho, Roy LT, BJU1
- Culp, Ralph RM3, BJU2
- Davies, David RMCS, BJU1
- Davis, Charles T., ET2, BJU2
- Denslow, Irving CWO2, BJU2
- DeWeese, Jerry RM1, BJU1
- Dinsmore, G. Chris, RD2, BJU1
- Donaghy, Sam OS1, FCG2
- Doornbos, Robert, CWO4, BJU1
- Driscoll, Frederic RDm1/c, BJU4
- Dunton, Lewis RADM, BJU6
- Eiben, Michael, LTjg, BJU1
- English, Lon RD2, BJU1
- Engman, Clayton RM2, BJU1
- Everett, Richard ETN2, BJU1
- Fallen, David CDR, BJU2
- Fanning, Norris RT/2c, BJU7
- Frankenfield, Warren RD3, BJU2
- Franklin, James OS1, BJU1
- Members G-L
- Gacek, Chester RM3/c, BJU9
- Gallagher, Rodney RMSN, BJU2
- Glaza, David OS2, BJU1
- Grauten, Henry LTjg., BJU7
- Harris, John AE1, BJU11
- Hanlon, Charles RD3, BJU2
- Harvey, C.Felix LT, BJU2
- Havyer, William, ETN2, BJU2
- Hayes, Simon, RD3, BJU2
- Hendry, James CDR, BJU2
- Hennessy, Peter LTjg, BJU2
- Hill, Kenneth L. SKCS, BJU2
- Hoatson, Norman ET2, BJU1
- Hobbs, Jim CAPT, BJU1
- Hoffman, Benjamin LTjg, BJU2
- Hogan, Joseph ENS, BJU6
- Hollers, James PN3, BJU2
- Hower, William LTjg, BJU1
- Johnson, Joe ET2, BJU2
- Johnson, William RMC, BJU1
- Jones, Lynn IC3, BJU1
- Jones, William, RD2, BJU1
- Kenyon, Richard LTjg, BJU2
- Kersting, William CAPT, BJU1
- Kisselburg,Ken ETSN, BJU1
- Kittelson,Gary, LTjg BJU2
- Kreske, Malcom RT/3c, BJU9
- Krolak, John, RM3, BJU2
- Kropf, Robert ETCS, BJU1
- Lando, Robert CDR, BJU4
- Lane, Charles RD3, BJU1
- LaPointe, Norman, ET3, BJU2
- Lasell, Max CAPT, BJU2
- Lee, Thurman ENCS, BJU2
- Long, John P, CDR, BJU2
- Members M-S
- MacGilvray, Bruce RD2, BJU1
- Maguire, Robert GM/1c, BJU4 & 11
- Manfield Jr, John J, QM3, BJU2
- Marco, Thomas RD3, BJU1
- Marino, Al ENFN, BJU1
- Matula, George GMG1, BJU2
- McAndrew, James QM1, BJU2
- McBride, Robert LT., BJU2
- McCormack, Elmer LCDR, BJU1
- McCue, George BM1, BJU2
- McGath, Arthur, EN3, BJU2
- McGregor, James RM2, BJU1
- McLeod, John EMC, BJU1
- McQuade, Patrick EN3, BJU1
- Miller, Donald EN2, BJU2
- Miller, Herman RMC, BJU2
- Miller, Wayne EM2, BJU2
- Mohn, Larry ETN2, BJU1
- Mohler, Phillip GSCS, BJU1
- Moncrief, Phillip LTjg., BJU1
- Moore, Charles EN3, BJU2
- Moore, Frank SFM2, BJU2
- Morrissey, James ET3, BJU2 & 1
- Mullen, George LCDR, BJU9
- Mulqueen, Jerry RD2, BJU2
- Munro, Robert EN3, BJU1
- Murphy, Chester CDR, BJU2
- Nagel, Roger FN, BJU1
- Newberg, Gary ETC, BJU1
- Niederer, Otto LT, BJU1 & 2
- Oden, Dickie RM2, BJU1
- O'Donnell, William EM1, BJU2
- Olney, Austin LT, BJU6
- Peterson, Thomas PN3, BJU2
- Placek, Donald RD2, BJU2
- Price, Robert, CDR, BJU2
- Prince, Michael OSCS, BJU1
- Pollock, Charles LT, BJU2
- Rainie, Robert CRM, BJU1&9
- Ramsey, Homer RM3, BJU1
- Reynolds, Charles, SFM2, BJU2
- Richter, Philip RD1, BJU2
- Rodolfich, Steve, RM3, BJU1
- Root, Larry YN3, BJU1
- Ross, Clyde BM3, BJU2
- Roy, Robert ETM2/c, BJU6
- Rumfield, Stanley, CTM2, BJU1
- Sandwick, John QM/2c, BJU3
- Ryan, Edward SN, BJU2
- Sander, Louis LTjg, BJU2
- Scott, James SK2c, BJU10
- Seekins, Pearley, EM3, BJU2
- Seymour, George ETCM, BJU1
- Skinner, William SM /2c, BJU1
- Skorheim, Robert LTjg, BJU2
- Slattery, Ernest BM1, BJU2
- Smither, Danny IC3, BJU1
- Stambaugh, Carl RM1, BJU1
- Stamper, Michael SFM3, BJU2
- Stanley, Eugene, RD2, BJU2
- Steffen, Werner CDR, BJU1
- Stuber, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Summa, Raymond ET3, BJU2
- Sutherland, Donald RD3, BJU1
- Swanson, Raynor EWCM, BJU1
- Members T-Z
- Thomas, Stephen LT, BJU2
- Timmons, Edward, RMC, BJU1
- Toti, Frank RD3, BJU1
- Tucker, Bruce ENFN, BJU2
- Tumey, John W. ET2, BJU1
- VanWinkle, Daniel, LT, BJU1
- Vorndran, Charles RM/2c, BJU5 & 9
- Watson, David OSCM, BJU1
- Wall, James E. GM3, BJU1
- Watson, Richard RMC, BJU1
- Wenzlaff, George OSCS, BJU1
- Willis, Berry CDR, BJU1
- Witherspoon, Charles CDR, BJU1
- Wolf, Bernard LTjg, BJU2
- Woods, Larry SFM3, BJU1
- Wootten, Thomas CDR, BJU1
- YellowEagle, James ADJ3, BJU1
- Zeiger, Steve ETR2, BJU2
- - - - -Honorary Associates- - - -
- John B. Dwyer, Author, History of Navy Beach Jumpers
- Earl O'Neal, Ocracoke Island Historian
Established 2001
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